Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sweet Innocence

There is something so wonderfully innocent about a baby. As I was getting the babies down for their nap, J fell asleep while I was giving C his bottle. I finished off the first babe and put him down for the count. Baby #2 was sacked out sucking on his pup-pup (he never took to a binky!). As I took out the soaked puppy blanket, his little mouth kept working until I replaced it with his bottle. So sweet, so innocent. I treasure moments like these.


  1. Aaaw, yes, so very sweet -- I know exactly what you are talkin' about! And, I still cuddle my little guy at naptime and bedtime, even at 2 years old. Oh, the precious-ness. LOVE it! I am still amazed by you, Trista, with the way that you have the twin-juggling down + you have 2 other little kiddos. :)

  2. You are too kind, Michelle. And trust me, so much gets left undone with all the juggling! :oD
