Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dips & Vans

While I'm on the subject of things that I love (which makes me want to gush about my kids!), can I just tell you how much I LOVE my minivan?! Back in the day I would have been insulted if it had even been suggested that I would drive a minivan someday. I would quickly correct you that I would be in a SUV all the way. Am I eating some serious crow now and it is mighty delicious. I took a trip to Costco with my little men and as I am unloading my cart (after loading them in), I am unbelievably grateful that I have so much room for my stuff (we have a 2004 Siena with the fabulous feature of a sunken trunk area) even with a double stroller stowed in the back too. If you don't have one, I highly recommend that you purchase one if you are in a family way. ;o)

Speaking of Costco, I made the foolish mistake of going there not only hungry, but with a case of PMS. Consequently I am the "proud" owner of the Creamy 5 Layer Onion Dip and the Jalapeno Artichoke Dip. They aren't exactly in small containers either. What was I thinking??? Clearly I was thinking with a hormonally challenged brain and empty stomach!

Anyone need dip?

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