Thursday, January 20, 2011

I like a sharp knife

There is just nothing like cutting into fruit, veggies, meat...whatever it is that you like to chop...with a really sharp knife. The meat dept at my local grocery store offers free knife sharping. However, that would require that I remember to bring the knives in the appropriately labeled sleeve and then remember to pick them up. Therefore I reasoned that I "needed" to buy a knife sharpener and a good one. I have to say that my first few attempts at knife sharpening left me with buyers remorse. I feel like I've gotten the technique down very well now and have a wonderful sense of satisfaction every time I sharpen a knife (that sense must be HUGE tonight since I just primed up 3!).


  1. I might need to bring mine over! :o)

  2. I can just see you now standing there saying, "Bwhahaha!"

    I agree about a good knife . . . which is why I brought some of my Cutco to TX this time around.


  3. MB, you are too funny! How long are you "deep in the heart" this time?
