Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Just Part of Being a Parent

I uttered that to myself moments ago.

I was able to escape the house tonight and came home to the twins fussing and crying. They had apparently been that way for the past half hour. To set the scene, we are currently stalled in moving forward in the re-model due to our own severe lack of energy. So the boys are sleeping in their cribs lined up next to each other in our room. So if one of them is having an issue, usually the other is too. Thing #1 seems to have developed a good cough and as I'm listening to him hacking, I'm picturing a very long night for us. Instead of being angry about it (which is my normalish response), I uttered, "It's just part of being a parent." Basically telling myself to get over it. It's not the end of the world. How much better would my attitude be if I chose to utter that phrase more often rather than dig my heels in and pout? Probably a lot better...

On a positive re-model note, we finally decided on a bathroom color and the remaining carpet work is done!

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