Monday, June 6, 2011

MIA Again!!??

I clearly have been severely MIA again. Couldn't be due to chasing toddlers, a preschooler and kinder, could it? I am disappointed that I haven't been keeping at this as often as before. I dove into blogging saying to myself to post at least something small every day and I think I did for a couple of weeks. I'm going to give it the 'ol college try again (although my success in that dept isn't so great either!)! ;-)

As is typical for most women, I'm not all that happy with the physical shape I'm in. I recently acquired 3 new workout DVDs. I decided today to start with The Biggest Loser's 30 Day Jump Start. You workout 6 days a week with week 1 only being 10 minutes/day, week 2 20 minutes/day, week 3 30 minutes/day and week 4 40 minutes/day. OMG! That measly little 10 minutes kicked my pathetic behind! Apparently I'm in worse shape than I thought. Instead of beating myself over it, I'm choosing to stay the course and see if I can get my not-too-far-from-40 body healthy.

Time to shower because I stink!

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