Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Currently reading...

I'm in the middle of two books right now: Clash of Kings (Book 2 in the Song of Ice & Fire Series) and Sarah's Key. Kings is just a nice escape right now, but Sarah's Keys is being read by my book group and I have until Sunday night to finish. It's one of those books that stays in your mind hours after you've put it down. Hard material (The round-up of Jews in 1942 Paris), but I highly recommend it!

I have yet to do my 10 minutes of Jump Start...maybe tonight...who would've thought it would take this much motivation to do a lousy 10 minutes???


  1. Ooh! How long of a book is it? I've been trying to figure out what to bring for airplane/airport reading!

  2. It's just under 300 pages. I wish I didn't "need" to finish it this week. I would've loved to send it off with you!

  3. Let me know if there are any classics you've been wanting to read. I have quite the collection...

  4. Now that I know you aren't leaving this week (if my head wasn't attached I'd be in big trouble!), please feel free to borrow it! :)
