Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Big Fat Baby!

December was a rough month. The holidays were busy, I was stressed and I just didn't feel like I was doing the best job at being a wife and mom. I'm planning on working on that in 2012. My rough month ended with me slicing 2 of my toes on broken glass (the broken glass courtesy of one or both of the twins) on Christmas Eve and getting 3 stitches in each toe. To say I hate pain is a major understatement and tomorrow is the "big" day I get the stitches removed (which I'm assuming will be painful). Tonight I was lamenting to my hubby about how much I'm not looking forward it and reminding him how horribly wimpy I was when the stitches were done. His reply to this was, "Is this why your labors lasted so long?"

Why, yes, it is. :)

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