Sunday, March 6, 2011

No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

That saying was quite literal in our house last Monday. My little mutants have become quite clever (especially Thing #2!) and now know how to open the refrigerator door. I had been trying for about a week to keep taking him away from the fridge, saying no, yada, yada, yada. And then we became the reason Safety First was created. As we were running around the house getting ready to get out the door to the twins' one year check up (2 months late!), I head into the kitchen because it had become unnaturally quiet. The scene that lay before me was the fridge door wide open, a lake of milk on the floor, Thing #1 sitting in it with a big grin on his face and Thing #2 holding the now half empty gallon milk container that started off pretty full. How he twisted the lid off in the first place will forever remain a mystery. I called for my man to get the babes feeling so grateful he was home while I resignedly trudged to get lots of old towels to clean up the mess.

We promptly put a fridge lock on that day! :oD

1 comment:

  1. Oh the stories you have to tell your kids when they are grown!
