Friday, February 10, 2012

I wonder if the neighbors caught that?

Wow! It's been *weeks* since I last blogged. I was a little worried I might have forgotten my password! ;o) Here's a quick update of the past six-ish weeks:

1. My toes were very sad and took a long time to heal.
2. 5 out of 6 of us had a bad stomach flu (I miraculously came out of it unscathed minus getting puked on by my oldest).
3. All of us then had a really, really bad head cold.
4. One of our dearest "couple" friends moved out of state and I tried my best to get every moment we could in with them.
5. The 49ers didn't make it to the Superbowl.
6. My husband switched careers.
7. I've felt like a basket case on many occasions.
8. My toes finally healed and I got to enjoy flip flops yesterday (I felt that gorgeous day was just for me.).

Now on to what got me back to blogging. Let me set the scene for you. It's late morning here at the house. My girl is at school and my first born boy is at his grandparents' house. I am in my kitchen talking on the phone to my sis and looking out the window while the littlest guys play. I suddenly see this blur run by and I realize it's Twin #2. The phone is quickly hung up mid conversation and flung onto the couch as I sprint for the door which is wide open. I would like to interject that we have a safety cover over the door knob which was locked and I'm pretty sure the door was bolted as well. Twin #1 is on the porch playing with a truck and Twin #2 is running across the lawn, with one rain boot on, squealing with delight that I have discovered him in the midst of his mischief. *There truly is never a dull moment around here*. After depositing the lil' stinkers back in the house I went to investigate how in the world they managed to escape. Twin #2 (who I'm convinced will be a spy someday...) apparently squeezed the cover until it popped off, unlocked both locks and released himself and his counterpart.

Later on as I'm looking out the very same window the thought crosses my mind, "I wonder how that looked to the neighbors?"

Tonight's project will be purchasing and installing a lock way up high on the door where little fingers can't reach.


  1. This is so frustrating,,,,for heaven's sake, I cannot get that dang door open, what with all the safety crap on it. Obviously no problem for Caleb....he has so much determination when he sets his mind to something.


  2. Trista,

    Your story cracked me up! It's always nice to know we aren't in our craziness as mothers alone :)


  3. by the way, you have like a million followers named Michelle! haha

    1. I know! I must be quite popular with the Michelle crowd! ;oD

  4. Thanks for sharing. We installed the top lock when Grant turned one. Hugs!

    1. I pretty surprised we've gone this long without one!

  5. LOL! That totally made me smile! Love you all *:)*

    1. I figured you had a pretty good visual! Love you!!
