Seriously. Washing dishes is dangerous business. Just ask the poor big toe on my right foot. There it was minding it's own business. Really just doing it's job of supporting this tired body of mine while I wash a sink full of dishes. And then, wham-o! It gets squished and lacerated by the rim of the metal bowl that is being dried and has fallen out of my hands. (Talk about a freak accident! Couldn't the bowl have landed on the nice, soft rubber side???)
"Mean metal bowl. How dare it jump out of that nice lady's hands? Sure she's over-tired and a bit clumsy, but that bowl should know better and hold on extra tight." (This is my big toe talking...)
Now the poor big toe has been surgically glued, wrapped and a ridiculous shoe has been placed on it's foot. The right arm isn't too thrilled either since it had to endure a tetanus shot.
I think I need to avoid washing dishes for a least week. It's in my doctor's orders. ;o)
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