Monday, June 6, 2011

Frugal Cooking

Our family is back in a season of some major penny pinching and I was wondering if any of you wanted to comment on what are some of your favorite penny-pinching meals.

We have a second freezer and when whole chickens go on sale ($.99/lb or less), I buy a few and put them on ice. Last week I pulled one out (it was a 4 1/2 pounder that cost me $3.58!), roasted it for dinner with homemade french bread (I love my breadmaker!) and salad. I then had leftover chicken for a second dinner.

If you feel like commenting, you can select "anonymous" and then add your name to your comment if you want to disclose who you are. :)

Over and out because now I really, really stink!


  1. boy I can sure use some new recipes too, so keep me updated on what you hear!


  2. Shop the perimeter of the store and buy in bulk. Oh, Costco has ground turkey for really cheap. I make an easy pasta dish with it. 2 cans tomato soup, 2 cans diced tomatoes, 1lb meat, pasta of your choice, and an onion. Brown the meat and onion. Boil the noodles. Then, combine all ingedients in pot over low heat and season with salt and pepper. It lasts a couple days and we usually clean our plates.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sounds good! Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. I just noticed it showed I deleted my comment. I deleted it because I had a blonde moment and wrote about laundry detergent -- hello... that's not cooking!

    Anyway, I'm back with a frugal recipe -- just made this and it's yummy. Not sure how your kiddos would like the flavors but I sure like it and it was cheap!

  6. P.S. I buy bulk dry beans instead of canned. I soak them overnight then drain, recover with water and simmer them until cooked while I get ready in the morning. Hopefully your little monkey boys aren't climbing the stove! Otherwise this idea will probably have to wait.

  7. That sounds yummy! I may have to make it just to eat for lunch and let the kids try it out. ;o) They do like the stove, so I've taken to cooking on the back burners. And even though it wasn't a recipe, I was glad you reminded me about the homemade laundry detergent because I wanted to do that!
