Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tackling the next hurdle in our crazy life...autism

Now I know Autism isn't a condition that can necessarily be "cured" or "tackled" in a way that you get over it and move on to the next chapter in life. I do know that there can be a lot of fear in that diagnosis and I don't want that for my family. I want us to be as prepared as we can be and equipped to help our sweet guy navigate this insane world that doesn't always make allowances for special kids.

Early on in one of the twins' life (Joshua) we started noticing some development delays and noticeable differences from his twin and where the older two were at his age.. At around 2 3/4 yrs old we filled out the ages and stages questionnaire from our pediatrician and contacted San Andreas Regional Center to have him evaluated. We were told they don't assess kids past 2 yrs 9 mths old and they directed us to get help through our school district. (We've now found out that they shouldn't have turned us away and I'm fighting to get him on with them.) We were able to have him tested through our school district which resulted in an academic diagnosis of Expressive Language Disorder and he began attending Special Day Preschool as a result. I have to say that has been a fantastic experience where we have seen a lot of growth. He also receives group speech and OT through the district and we are grateful for that! 

At the end of September he had an extensive evaluation at Kaiser through their Autism Spectrum Disorder Dept and has been given a diagnosis of Autistic Disorder. He met 6-7 out of 12 requirements for autism which puts him right in the middle of the spectrum. We are not surprised by this, rather relieved to have some answers as to why the past 4 1/2 years have been so challenging. He recently was approved for individual speech therapy through Kaiser and now is approved for ABA (behavioral) therapy. We are really excited for this type of therapy for him. He has also been accepted into an autism study at a local therapeutic horse ranch. We've heard great things about the ranch and look forward to seeing how this type of therapy helps him.

So, where do we go from here? Good question. I feel like we have direction for now while still processing what his diagnosis means. A good friend of mine recently sent me a link to a blog of a mom with an autistic son and it really captured a lot of how I'm feeling. If you have a few minutes, give it a read:


Thanks for stopping by and being on this journey with us!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Since it's been a long time since I've blogged, I thought it would be fitting to start up again on Mother's Day. Thankfully, I have a funny, short story (at least it was around here!) to tell.

This past Monday Caleb brought home the Mother's Day gift he made for me at preschool wrapped up with specific instructions that I could not open it until today. I put it away for the week and this morning brought it out to open. He clearly forgot that it was a gift he made me because he was mad that I was opening it, exclaiming it was his and demanded that I give it back. No matter how many times I tried to remind him it was something he made for me it didn't matter. He kept saying he made it and his name was on it so it was his! I couldn't stop laughing. In my 9 years of being a mom, this was a first. I put the cute potholder with his handprint on it away and thank goodness, he forgot all about it! His stubbornness reminds me of my own and I really just have to laugh.

Jack's surgery went really well and he is in the healing process. Tuesday we go in for the fitting for his helmet and I will breathe a small sigh of relief. I am so worried about him injuring himself and he keeps turning over onto his stomach to sleep meaning he is putting pressure on whichever side his head is facing. Everything is still a bit soft and can be adjusted just like when you break a bone and it needs to set in a cast. The helmet will not only protect it, but keep the right form while he heals. I feel so sad for him to have to wear it. I know he will fight it at first and I'm doing my best to prepare him.

Happy Mother's Day to all! I am so blessed with a mom who sacrificed a lot to raise my sister and I on her own and she still sacrifices to help our little tribe. I love you so much, Mom!