Not a very clever title for my post, but it's very appropriate for my season of life right now.
Since I last blogged P&J have switched schools, my oldest boy has been diagnosed with a skull deformity which means he needs to have a major surgery on his skull within the next 6 months, I am having to fight for my other son to have the services he qualifies for at school (which is also forcing me to come to terms with the fact that I have a special needs child) and everything that isn't getting done is piling up around me. I also found out a week ago that a friend of mine's 6 year old daughter has been diagnosed with an aggressive, inoperable brain tumor and am broken for that precious family. (exhale…that feels good to get off my chest!)
I'm not blogging about this for sympathy or an "Awe, poor T…" moment. What prompted it was in the midst of my overwhelmed state, my sweet "special needs" son came up to me and proceeded to blow numerous raspberries on my arm to make me laugh. He melts my heart with his sweetness and disarms my frustrated spirit.
Time to "man up" and make a to do list of all that needs to be done. Promise the next post (whenever that is…) will be more cheery. ;)
And how is it already November???